Jeep Willys, 1948

Built mainly during the Second World War, Willys MB Jeep ¼ t was used by the armed forces of the United States on all fronts of battle, being snapped in an impressive number of copies and allies, thus becoming the main vehicle used by the British Army, Soviet and French. Jeep name was borrowed from the pronunciation of the acronym GP (General Purpose, ie general use). In the next period of the Second World War, The term Jeep military vehicle show almost every light, unarmoured, with a similar look of the original Jeep. Originally, the basic design was a very rustic exterior vehicle: a platform on four wheels with a motor compartment rectangular shape, a protected cockpit easily sidebars that do not exceed in height the engine compartment. The windshield, made up of two separate windows frame were generally folding. Subsequently, several amendments were made to the body, adjusting it needs military officers linked to off-road transport. Mod Willys Engine 442...